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PZC Minutes 11-28-00
MEMBERS PRESENT:        Walter Mealy, Louise Evans, Sue Larsen, Kevin McCann, Tim Wentzell, Patricia Porter

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Doug Manion arrived at 7:42, Roger Cottle, Patrick Kennedy sat for Marshall Montana

STAFF PRESENT:  Michele Lipe, Assistant Director of Planning


Chairman Mealy called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  There was no public participation.

ITEM:  New Business

Appl 00-48P, Metro Realty Group, LTD, regulation amendment to Section 4.1.11 of the Zoning Regulations to allow elderly housing by a proprietary entity in conjunction with the Public Housing Authority; and other revisions  

Michele Lipe reviewed the application for the commission.  

Concern was voiced with respect to the Housing Authority losing its authority over the project once mortgage approval is granted and the number of units.  A 75-unit cap was suggested for both the size of the project and the number of units allowed under this regulation.  The density of units per acre and units per building allowed was also discussed.  It was agreed that 10 units per acre would be allowed.   

M. Lipe questioned if the commission wanted to use the same wording for this amendment as is used in the SRD description.  The commission thought this would be a good idea.  

Manion suggested that the deed restriction wording be modified.  McCann agreed stating that this is important especially since the Housing Authority does lose control after the loan has been met.

Kennedy opposed the idea saying he didn’t think PZC should be addressing the deed restriction at this time but rather at the time the site plan application is presented.

McCann disagreed saying he believes it is important to do the deed restriction now especially if authority the Housing Authority ends after paid up.  The commission agreed.

Since this is the first proposed amendment of this type, the commission would like to use this application as a gauge for future applications of this type.

Motion to approve with modifications was made by Commissioner Wentzell and seconded by Commissioner Larsen.  

Amendments to Section 4.1.11, Housing for the Elderly, 11-28-2000
Section 4.1.11 is deleted and the following is hereby substituted:
4.1.11  Housing for the Elderly:  The purpose of this special use is to provide housing particularly suited to the needs of the elderly citizens; such use to be located in reasonable proximity to such shopping and services as are required by elderly persons; such use to be designed to provide a pleasant environment for habitation; and such use shall be in conformity with the general framework and intent of the Town Plan of Conservation and Development for South Windsor.
1.      Procedure: Application for this use may be filed only by the Public Housing Authority of South Windsor individually or in conjunction with a proprietary entity.
a.      The Commission shall be guided by the requirements of this section where reporting on the mandatory referral for acquisition of the housing sites under the General Statutes of Connecticut.
b.      The Public Housing Authority individually or in conjunction with such proprietary entity, shall submit to the Commission a site development plan in accordance with Section 4.13 of these regulations and such plan must be approved prior to the issuance of a building permit.
2.      General Requirements:
a.      Location. The site shall be on Town-owned property or on premises approved by the Public Housing Authority with restrictive covenants guaranteeing appearance and property maintenance approved by the Public Housing Authority and the Commission. The covenant must be filed on the land records and must be in effect as long as the property is zoned for elderly housing.
b.      Area and Density Requirements
1.      A minimum size of 2 acres is required.
2.      Maximum density for a development shall be 10 units/acre multiplied by the net buildable acreage of the parcel. All calculations of proposed density must appear on the Site Plan of Development, and are arrived at by multiplying the requested density by the net buildable acreage (see Section I, Definitions).
Project/Units Cap.
The maximum number of units in any development shall be 75 units. The maximum number of units in all developments is capped at 75 units.
c.      Yard, Frontage and Buffer Requirements.
The site shall have a minimum of 200 feet of frontage on a public street. The minimum frontage requirement may be reduced by one foot for every 2 feet by which the development’s front yard setback is increased; provided, however, that the frontage is not reduced to less than 100 feet. Where the increased setback/reduced frontage provision is used, no pavement/parking areas/impervious areas shall be allowed within the additional setback area.
Minimum yards (applicable to the parcel perimeter) shall be fifty (50) feet front yard, and ten (10) feet side and rear yards. Required buffers may at the discretion of the Commission be coterminous with the yards, provided the combined yards and buffer are no less than 25 feet in width, site conditions support such (e.g., site is contiguous to open space, permanent buffers and/or mature vegetation), and large trees are saved or planted within the buffer (6” minimum caliper on deciduous trees, 15 feet minimum height on coniferous trees, spaced no more than every 30 feet, or at a somewhat greater distance if more appropriate given the species). Buffers may contain separations between trees in order to preserve vistas for unit occupants, where applicable. Minimum setback between dwellings shall be 20 feet.
Minimum setbacks between accessory buildings (such as storage sheds or garages) and buildings containing dwelling units shall be consistent with good design relative to fire safety, emergency access, function, and aesthetics, as approved by the Commission. The setbacks shall vary depending upon the height of the buildings and the placement of windows on the side of the buildings in question.
e.      Building size. In calculating space requirements for elderly occupancy, the following areas shall be considered minimum:
Occupancy (persons)     1       2       2 or more***    
Description     Efficiency      1 BR    2 BR    
Room Count*     3       3 ½     4 ½     
Area Square Feet**      350     460     570     
        *Room count for living, dining and kitchen is 2 ½.
**These areas do not include circulation and public facilities outside the unit or spaces for heating equipment. Storage areas are calculated as a part of the minimum area requirement.
***Special occupancy, covering situations such as two single related persons, two-person families whose physical condition requires separate sleeping accommodations, and single persons requiring sleep-in companions or care assistants.
f.      Parking and Access.
1.      At least 1 parking space for each 4 dwelling units shall be provided, however, at the discretion of the Planning and Zoning Commission, this may be increased up to 1 parking space for each dwelling unit.
2.      The location and arrangement of access shall be consistent with public safety and shall provide no undue hindrance to the safety of existing or proposed streets.
g.      Improvements.
1.      Utilities, streets and related improvements shall generally conform to Town procedures and standards; however, 24 feet pavement width is acceptable, and other standards may be reduced or waived in order to reduce development costs, provided there is no objection of the Town Engineer. All utilities shall be underground. All dumpsters must be on concrete pads and screened.
2.      Sidewalks. Sidewalks shall be provided for internal circulation within the project and connection to the street frontage. Sidewalks shall be constructed to the specifications of the Town of South Windsor.
h.      Recreation. Recreation area or areas shall be provided for the use of the residents. The recreation area or areas shall be designed for the special needs of elderly persons. Such uses as walking trails, sitting areas and a community room are examples of recreation areas.
i.      Signage must conform to the requirements of Section 17, Signs.
j.      Impervious coverage limited to 40%.

The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.

Manion arrived at 7:40 p.m.  He had previously disqualified himself from this application.

Appl 00-51P, East Hartford Sand & Gravel Special Exception to Article to allow sales of building materials at 1440 John Fitch Boulevard, I zone

Mealy voiced concern with allowing “building materials” to used in the approval.  He thought a more specific wording should be used since “building materials” could encompass many items the commission does not want brought in and sold at the site.
Evans noted that items should be limited to what is specifically mined on the site and nothing should be allowed brought in to the site and sold.  

Kennedy disagreed saying building material, per se, are not a problem, but the wording should be more specifically defined.

The commission agreed.

Motion to approve with only sales of materials mined on site was made by Commissioner Wentzell and seconded by Commissioner Larsen.

No building permit will be issued until the final mylars have been filed in the Town Clerk's office.
An as-built plan is required prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy per Section 8.1.10 of the Zoning Regulations.
All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
Engineering comments of 10/20/00 must be addressed.
The four corners of the lease area must be delineated in the field.
This approval is for: sand, gravel, soil and other unprocessed materials mined from the earth.  These materials must be mined on site.
The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.

Manion arrived at 7:40 p.m.  He had previously disqualified himself from this application.

3.      By-Laws Review

No commission comments.

Capitol Sweeping Services – Change Order request

A discussion ensued on used equipment that is being stored and sold outside Capitol Sweeping.

Lipe suggested that staff inform Capitol Sweeping that concern regarding the outdoor storage and sales was addressed at a PZC meeting. Capitol Sweeping should take note and institute changes needed.

Motion to approve the change order was made by Commissioner Wentzell and seconded by Commissioner Evans.  The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.

Felt Road, 8-24 Referral

Attorney Hal Cummings explained the reasoning behind the referral. They are proposing the town abandon the portion of Felt Rd. known as a “paper road”.  His clients, the Cloutiers, are planning on submitting a site plan application for a rear lot utilizing this piece.  Access to the proposed rear lot would be via a driveway that would run through the center of this piece.

Jeanine Jankowski, Jonathan Lane, an abutter to the Cloutiers, voiced concern that a current drainage problem will be exacerbated if the rear lot and drive is allowed.  The Jankowskis have been informed that if the drainage problem does get worse they would be responsible for any costs associated with repairing it.  She is also concerned with the proposed split of the 50ft. row into two 25ft. halves because the proposed driveway would infringe on her property.   

Chairman Mealy informed Ms. Jankowski the drainage issue could be addressed at the Public Hearing for the rear lot and she should voice her concerns then. The commission’s only objective tonight is to accept or reject the Town Council’s referral.  

Motion to approve the abandonment of the “paper” road between Palmer Dr. and Foster St. as outlined by the Town Council was made by Commissioner Kennedy and seconded by Commissioner Evans.

McCann noted the following should be made known to the Town Council:

The current drainage problem;
the dollar amount needed to provide solutions to the drainage issue;
any comments by the PZC should not be deemed as a rear lot approval
of any access over any parcels affected
the Town should consider precluded uses for non-vehicular traffic.

The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.

Veterans Memorial Park, 8-24 Referral

The Commission approved, by consensus, the Resolution re Veterans Memorial Park Referendum Question for the appropriation of $3,100,000 as outlined by the Town Council.

Lean Physique Sign request

Mealy read into the record the letter sent by owner, John Yobst, regarding signage.  The commission noted that additional signage may be permitted, but he would need to work things out with his landlord.  

Wheeler Estates request for two model homes

Wentzell commented that the applicant was required to come back before the commission with a plan showing sidewalks at the site.  The commission decided to postpone the model home request until such plan is presented.

ITEM:  Miscellaneous

1.      Holiday Party

Chairman Mealy informed the commissioners that the budget allows for $1,000 to be used for the annual PZC holiday party.   A tentative date of December 19, 2000, was given.  Invitations will be mailed as soon as a restaurant is established.

Fung kitchenette

It was decided that this will be handled through staff and Mr. Fung should sign an affidavit indicating the kitchen will be used for personal purposes.

Temple Landscaping

The Temple is addressing landscaping concerns at the site at this time.  Lipe informed the commission that they have 5 years to complete required landscaping at the site.

ADRC appointment

Mealy suggested the commission approve Charles Regulbuto as a new alternate to the ADRC.  Mr. Regulbuto will replace Patricia Case. The commissioners approved the appointment.

Lighting Subcommittee

Larsen informed the commission that this subcommittee has met once and will be meeting again to discuss glare and brightness.  She will keep the commission updated.ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9 p.m. was made by Commissioner Evans and seconded by Commissioner McCann.  The motion passed, and the vote was unanimous.  

Respectfully Submitted,

Deborah Favreau
Recording Secretary